Grey Bruce Hospice
Offers an alternative for residents of Grey and Bruce Counties who are dealing with a terminal illness. The 6 bed, community-run hospice provides support, comfort and pain management to patients and families. It also has Day wellness programs for caregivers and individual living with life limiting illness in the community. Hospice is located in a wing of Seasons Retirement Home in Owen Sound. The hospice is available free of charge to patients or their families. Referrals are made through the South West Community Care Access Centre (CCAC).
Hospice Georgian Triangle
Offers a wide range of services to individuals dealing with terminal illnesses and to their families. This includes home visiting, respite for caregivers, bereavement support and education as well as specialized assistance for children. Campbell House, the residential facility in Collingwood, is under construction and expected to open in June 2014. Currently, its offices are located in Sunset Manor Long Term Care Home.